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Here is the course description for my Portraiture class at the Mary Ward Centre in Central London
Course description Mary Ward Centre: Portrait Head And Clothed Figure
Suitable for those with a particular interest in portraiture, working with a life model.
Accessible to all people regardless of age and ability and aimed particularly at those with an interest in working with the human form as a focus for their creativity.Previous Experience Required
This class concentrates on the 'portrait head' or full figure modeling using a clothed model.
Course Content
We have a life model in the same pose for 2, 5 week sessions with the 6th & 12th week reserved for finishing processes. During that time students will be encouraged to work in a material of their choice. Mostly the material we use in this course will be clay, but you may like to explore other processes such as wax, Papier mache, Direct Plaster, Plasticine, construction,etc.
We will pay particular attention to the skeletal and muscular structure of the face.
We will hone our observational skills to produce a likeness of the model, and also explore other means of expression in the field of portraiture.
The following technical processes will be learned:
* Constructing and utilizing armatures for portrait heads.
* Applying clay to the armatures in a stable manner.
* Methods and use of clay modeling tools
* Characteristics and control of materials
* Removal of finished work from armatures.
* Preparation of work for firing.
* Bases for finished works.
* Fireing ceramic work
* Patination and finishing techniques
* Applying clay to the armatures in a stable manner.
* Methods and use of clay modeling tools
* Characteristics and control of materials
* Removal of finished work from armatures.
* Preparation of work for firing.
* Bases for finished works.
* Fireing ceramic work
* Patination and finishing techniques
We will also consider:
* Spatial, proportional and visual awareness.
* Measuring techniques using calipers for comparative measurement.
* General anatomical knowledge.
* Methods of composition.
* Drawing for sculpture.
* Spatial, proportional and visual awareness.
* Measuring techniques using calipers for comparative measurement.
* General anatomical knowledge.
* Methods of composition.
* Drawing for sculpture.
Students will develop awareness of health and safety issues concerning all materials and processes we use.
2 sessions are reserved a term for these processes.
2 sessions are reserved a term for these processes.
Main Outcomes
1. Produce finished pieces of portrait sculpture using a variety of techniques and processes.
2. Recognize and identify key muscle groups, bone structure, and elements of the face and neck and upper body.
3. Hollow and prepare work for firing
If you are a returning learner you may:
Increase confidence and ability in your practice and develop techniques and processes towards an individual style.
Increase confidence and ability in your practice and develop techniques and processes towards an individual style.
Specific learning objectives are geared to the Needs of individual students and may well include things not listed here.
What you can do next, after this course
Students may move between the various classes that we offer at the Mary Ward Centre.
You may decide to cast a portrait in the 'mixed media' or 'permasculpture' classes, or progress to full figure clay modeling.
Past students have progressed to exhibiting and selling their work, and have successfully applied for and completed Degree and Masters courses in Fine Art, Sculpture and Design.
You may also progress to the Foundation into Art or Pre-foundation course at the Mary Ward Centre further courses at other colleges.
Students have moved into diverse careers such as
* Portrait Sculptors
* Anatomical model making
* Retail display
* Visual effects or theatrical properties
* Architecture
* Fine artist
* Wax work sculptor
* Anatomical model making
* Retail display
* Visual effects or theatrical properties
* Architecture
* Fine artist
* Wax work sculptor
What materials you will need for the course and estimated cost
The centre provides most of the materials that you will need.
You will need your own:
* Modeling tools. You do not need to purchase modeling tools before the first class as specific advice will be given as to the best tools for portraiture.
* Suitable clothing. Advice will be given at the first class about protective clothing such as aprons, dust masks, goggles, protective footwear, gloves etc.
If you produce more than 2 life sized portraits or equivalent in a term you will be expected to pay a firing charge.
The teaching and learning methods we use on the course
The course will be taught through demonstration, practice and discussion with particular emphasis on sound and careful technique to ensure strong and successful end results.
The tutor will always attempt to divide his time evenly and fairly amongst all the students in the class.
The tutor will provide handouts and other support material or you can access the blog
on line where more support materials will be available in time!.
I encourage all students to document their work on a regular basis using a photographic record and to share the images of their work as a blog or web site like this.
How we assess your progress on the course
Progress reports, copies of your sketchbooks and other documentation.
Assessment is given on a regular basis by direct personal consultation with the tutor, project records and self-appraisal.
Assessment is given on a regular basis by direct personal consultation with the tutor, project records and self-appraisal.
Each student will be expected to identify where possible specific learning aims and objectives to be assessed at the end of term.
Students will be encouraged to evaluate their work through group discussion with fellow students.
What extra study/practice we expect you to do outside the class
Students may need to do research or seek reference material relevant to any projects they undertake.
Visit museums galleries and exhibitions relevant to their work.
Paul Badger 2013